Palestine, 1946

Granted convalescent leave to Tel Aviv, 25 February 1946 – 7 April 1946 and then to Palestine 8 April 1946 – 7 June 1946.
It was, most probably, at the beginning of 1946 that my grandfather received the first news from his loved ones in Lodz via the World Jewish Congress in Stockholm.
At the beginning of March 1946 he wrote to a friend:
I have just arrived in Tel Aviv [from Egypt] for recuperation after four months of hospitalization. I am furious and nervously exhausted by the thought that now, exactly now, when it is time for action I am tied to beds and benches, prohibited from speaking loudly and told to count my steps. I am undergoing terrible mental torture because of my weakness.
Ramat Gan, 17 April 1946
Ramat Gan, in front of the Convalescent Home “Hachlama”

The entrance to the Convalescent Home "Hachlama" (Source: Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem)

Admitted for treatment to the Polish Section attached to the No 22 Indian General Hospital at Kafar Hill, Palestine from 6 June 1946 to 2 July 1946.